Synthetic turf installation. Preparing sub-base. Contractors raking, sand, trees. Installation team, work.

Global Syn-Turf Subbase Raking Skills

According to Dave Maronic, Vice President at Global Syn-Turf, "If you want a complete full installation with no issues, we recommend that the road base goes down first. After it is done, put in three to four inches of decomposed granite. You need 3/8 minus product to go on top of road base that compacts real tight but also really smooth on the surface. "

"Compact the decomposed granite until it's real smooth, and you don't feel any bumps or inconsistencies," - adds Dave. "The next step is raking the area. We use long landscape rakes to get a nice, even layer across the whole expanded area. We rake it nicely to bring in the perfect contours into the subject area."

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