Can you explain what seaming tape is used for?

Tony Polera | Jun 16, 2020 11:54 PM

Can you explain what seaming tape is used for? Why is it important?

1 Answer

Seaming tape is for piecing two pieces of artificial grass together. Normally the seaming tape is made of very durable poly materials and can last for a long time if not longer than artificial grass. It normally comes in with the width of 12”, from time to time, people can special order the 6” width versions as well. In order to join two pieces of artificial turf together. You first will need to lay the seaming tape down and making sure it is right centered at the turf joint, then you will apply the turf glue on to the tape, finally to press the two pieces of turf onto the tape with glues on it. 

You might have already looked at our website for the seaming tape information, here it is again:

You might also find this YouTube channel helpful for how to seam artificial grass:

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