How do I remove old artificial grass?

Lori Wolhok | Aug 12, 2020 1:22 AM

I am going to replace my patio with new grass, but how do I remove the old one?

1 Answer

Removing artificial grass can be very easy! It is just like removing the old carpet, however, you need to be careful about infills inside the old artificial turf: In most cases, your old turf should be secured by nails or spikes along the perimeters and with infills, so you might start with the edges by pulling out the nails and start to roll the turf, during such process, pay attention to the infills so you don’t get things messy. If your area is rather big, you can cut the turf into smaller pieces before rolling them up so make it easier to handle. Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions by phone, email ([email protected]) or simply fill out this online form:

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